The history of the Rugby Cement Company is still being researched as some information continues to be found. However, “Rugby Portland Cemeny – A History” has now been published. It is available from the author at The retail cost is £40, but the price from the author is £25, thanks to generous funding from the Rugby Group Benevolent Fund.
The great majority of the existing Company archives have been “rescued”, listed and the main information on the history of the Rugby Cement Company and its predecessor companies has been abstracted to the History.
To date, eight large consignments of records have been transferred to the Warwickshire County Record Office for secure storage.
Where possible, all names and associated details are being abstracted so as to be available for search by Family Historians and other researchers.
Five separate data bases of Warwickshire names are now available online, and data on personnel from updated versions of these are available from
A search for any name, or names, can be undertaken, and the dates and references that may be available can be provided – a small contribution for each search would be appreciated. Should you require a search, please send an Email to the number below for more information. A listing of Rugby Cement and other persons who signed up for allotments in Bilton – the majority on Christmas Day, 1880, has already been provided by the Archive, and are included on the Rugby Cement names list above, and are also available at: Pickard’s Pink Pages for Warwickshire Allotment Holders LIST OF NEWBOLD LIME & CEMENT EMPLOYEES LIST OF CHARLES NELSON’S WORKS, STOCKTON, EMPLOYEES – A History of the Charles Nelson Works is now available – – see Publications page. LIST OF KAYE’S WORKS, LONG ITCHINGTON, SOUTHAM, EMPLOYEES – A History of the Kaye Works is now available – see Publications page. LIST OF MISCELLANEOUS NAMES ASSOCIATED WITH RUGBY CEMENT Names of employees from other works are also available and will hopefully be posted later. LIST OF NAMES ON DEEDS FROM BROWN STREET, BLACKBURN – The Names on Deeds for the former properties on the present Blackburn Market site, which were found in the Rugby Cement Archive are also available, and can be found by searching Rugby Cement on the Lancashire Record Office link below or contact the Email number below. The original documents are now in the Lancashire Record Office at Preston, whose catalogue lists the names and documents. |