Morris Dance

Having been a Morris Dancer with the Bedford Morris Men from 1982 until some few years ago, it is appropriate to include some pages relating to various research and archive work that has been undertaken.

In due course this site will include pages on the Bedford Morris Men and their Archive, much of which will shortly be transferred to the safekeeping of the Bedfordshire County Record Office.

Work has been undertaken on the Emberton Morris Men, their founder, Wilfrid Abbott and his wife, a leading folk dance instructor, Freda, née Ginn, Abbott.  A booklet about them can be found on the Publications page.

A page will also be provided for the Rugby Morris Men, and a booklet on their history has already been published – see Publications page.

Archives are held relating to the Luton Longstraw Morris Men, and a page will be published shortly, and hopefully will  be followed by a booklet about them, before their archives are transferred to the Bedfordshire Record Office.